Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hiking anyone?

Friday the kids had a half day so we decided to go to South Mountain to go hiking. It was a BEAUTIFUL, warm day! Our friend Lynda invited us to go with her so she wouldn't have to go by herself. It's a pretty easy hike and the boys did great! They kept up with no problem at all. It was 79 degrees outside and I even got quite warm while hiking! Where is all the cold weather? I'm not ready for it to be this warm yet. Isn't it still January?

Lynda and I at the top. There was still another 15min to go until the very top, but we were almost there at this point!

Nick and I at the same point.

The boys at the same part. Such a great view behind all of us!

Here are the boys at the very top. That is the lookout tower that you hike to and there are benches in there that you can sit and rest on.

Here we are headed back down the mountain, from the backside (I don't like that view), and then from the front.

Another one of us heading back down.

Cole and Jacob resting on a rock.

This cactus is almost as tall as Cole. :)

Here is Jacob standing next to a painted rock.

Another one of us coming down the mountain.

Their faces are kind of dark, but it was a cool picture of them standing by a Saguaro cactus.

We all had a GREAT time!


utah beach kids said...

79 degrees?! That's just wrong. Its been in the 40's here lately and everyone is so excited because its "so nice" and the kids can finally play outside! I think I need to head south for the winter :)

ps-I remember doing that hike years ago when Parker was just tiny like...2...its nice!

Sueann said...

That sounds FUn!!! ;)
