Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Gonna Miss This!

Last night I was watching the CMA awards. I wasn't always a big Country music fan, but I've started liking it more and more as I've gotten older. I didn't watch the whole show but there were a few moments that I enjoyed. When Trace Adkins got up there to sing his song, "You're Gonna Miss This", I started balling. Has anyone ever really listened to the words to that song? I have it here on my blog if anyone wants to tune in and take a listen. That was the first time I've really listened to the words, and boy did it pull at my heart strings. I think about how big my kids seem to me and it makes me sad that I can't turn back time and keep them little forever. I mean Cole is going to be 10 in 6 weeks!
I am really going to miss these moments that are happening now in their life and I realized that I need to take more time to enjoy them and have fun with them and not constantly worry that they aren't doing their homework when they should be or they aren't keeping their rooms clean like they should be. They need to be kids and have fun and I need to slow down and remember the fun times more. I am so glad I started this blog. It's keeping track of memories for me like a journal. I'm so bad at journal writing, but this comes easy for me.

If I knew back then when they were little what I know now, I would have cherished them even more than I did and would not have been in such a rush for them to grow up. I never thought that we would be one of those couples that would have infertility issues. I just thought we'd have at least two more kids to raise so I didn't see a need to not start them in preschool or play groups instead of keeping them home with me. The infertility took a huge toll on me and has really made me step back and examine my life. I shouldn't be sad that we ONLY have two kids, I should be happy that at LEAST we have two kids. That fact really has made me happy. They are GREAT kids! :) Besides, it could be worse, we could have zero.

I'm gonna miss these moments cause soon enough they will be leaving the house to go off to college and on their missions. When they get married I'm sure I'll shed a tear or 200. Time goes by WAY too fast and I'm not ready for them to grow up. I encourage you young mothers to cherish each and every moment you have with your little kids. Don't feel rushed to have them grow up cause in a blink of an eye, they will be and you won't be able to get these moments when they're little back. I am so thankful EVERYDAY, that I've been able to stay home full time with them! I've been there for all of their "big" moments and I will continue to be there for as long as they need me! I LOVE being a mommy! :)

Check out these pictures of my babies! Wow, seems like forever ago. Boy, they are cute!

Two of my faves from when Jacob was a newborn.

My FAVORITE Santa picture. Jacob did not want to be there!

Jacob LOVED pumpkins when he was little. He called them "badoos", not sure why, but he would sure get excited when we'd take him to a "badoo" patch! HAHA!

One of my favorites of Cole taken on top of a load of laundry, and one of my favorites of Jacob taken at Legoland. :)

1 comment:

Sueann said...

Your going to miss it alright!!! whaa whaa whaa me too...look at how cute those littles babes are!! I love to hold all the little babies at goes by to fast.:0
